The issue I'm gonna talk about today it discussed before and I had read so many posts about this issue . but because I cant bear any more because it is really bother , I'm gonna talk and burst what is inside me !
When I were in any place , especially women gathers , I just can do the miracles to get out . why? Because I feel that I'm in front of sick people ! literally darn sick !! and the most terrible word they say is " oh ! why u cant make a full use of your femininity " !!! << … bah ! can someone explain this stupid line to me ? :S
Femininity is to put 5 kgs of makeup on my face ! is femininity to wear a tight jeans and one buttock up and the other is down while I'm waking ! is femininity in high heels and chewing gum in my gob ! I'll be " female " if a tuft of my hair come across my face then lift it arrogantly ! am I " female " if I'm trying to protect and soften my skin while others cant even protect their kids in Palestine !
Is that what " female" should be. If so , then I'm sorry I don’t wanna be from your sick species !
One more thing make you really nervous which is if they talk about engagement and marriage issues ! you really feel dirty and want to drive over their bodies !
Oh , look at her. She is 26 years old and she didn’t marry yet
Omg ! 26 !! spinster !
Yeah , poor she !
After this short stupid conversation which I always hear , I just have one question . If the girl didn’t marry what she will miss !? ya3nee she will catch by swine flu!! Or she will enter the hell fire ! or maybe she will get a horn on her nose !!!
As if I'm living in a mad house not in a society ! and look to what those idiots said , they considered a 26 years old gal is a spinster !!! <<< no no I really want someone to explain these deep issues to me >>
When I hear such a things , I really wish that I live in Vendee not among those " living creatures" !! and I'm quite sure if there is an idiots in vendee they will be wiser than them ! To those who will say I'm exaggerated ! I just say come and hear what I daily hear then you will feel ( I'm sure girls will understand me most ) . believe me , they consider this issue is the most important thing and planted in girl's head that she will be " complete " if she get married and wearing that white dress !
Ok , I don’t want that white dress . I want a white shroud ! I think it's better !! A lot better !! bs mshan allah 7elww 3an rasnaa uffff …
P.S . I'm not against marriage and fashion but everything must have limits when we are talking about . We must not make it that big deal and fool ourselves !
Don’t care girls and live your life as you see not what others want to be ! and don’t be affected by those
stone age minded !
Girls isn’t look so cool that bride wearing that white dress :P:P:P
love you girls , my folk :D
هالكلام للاسف تكرر و بتكرر مع كل بنت
و الناس دائما مش راضيه و حتى لو متزوجه بسألو عن الولد و اذا فيه بسألو عن اخ لهالولد و الا ما يلاقو شي فاضي يحكو ويسألو عنه
فأحسن شي زي ما حكيتي
اعملي اللي بريحك و خليهم همه بحكيهم الفاضي :)
معك حق ... بيحشرو حالهن حتى بالهواء اللي بنتنفسو
مريضين هالعالم .. وكانو البنت راح تدخل الجنة بس تحط إجرها ببيت زوجها !!! وبيزرعو بعقل البنت أنها ناقصة وتافهة ومالها لزوم بهالوجود إلا اذا تزوجت !! بعدين راح تصير قديسة !!
أنا أذن من طين وأذن من عجين .. بس بجد من كتر ما بتسمعي قلبك بيطق
يسلمو ويسبر (:
You are so beautiful and have a wonderful not change the way you are for other people. Mwauh. <3 (F)